No the post title isn't the name of some indie eco earthcore rock band from the Northern Suburbs, it is actually the name of one of my favourite websites/blog directories and its yearly awards! Blotanical is a directory for gardening blogs, but has more features than just a database. It really is a community and I have found some of the most amazing blogs there. Indeed I first used blotanical as a search engine, to look up tomato varieties back in the early days of the obsession. If you love garden blogs I would encourage you to join, it really is such a useful site.
In September it is the academy awards for blotanical, or is it more the logies, I am not sure, either way it is called the blotanicals. It is when members of the site vote for their peers in various categories and Stuart, who runs the site spends hour collating and compiling the winners (he does an awesome job!). There sure were a lot of cateogories. I was humbled and amused to be nominated as a finalist in two categoris, Best Urban Blog (well I am a city dweller) and Best Oceanic Blog. It was the latter of the two that I was really excited about, because there are some amazing blogs in this category. Congratulations to Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow in my Garden which took out top place, but look who places second! Little old moi! So every excited and thankful to everyone who voted. I was honoured just to get a finalist nomination (i.e. an invite to the wedding) but to be bridesmaid/Maid of Honour that is a real treat.
As for the other category, the competition was fierce and I love all of the blogs there. It was won by The Patient Gardener, and congrats there! I came a respectable fourth runner up (as in fifth) but it was just so much fun being there.
Well done to all the winners, in particular a few I was really rooting for (hahah gardening pun probably intended):
The Balcony Garden who took out Best Container Blog
Daphne's Dandelions who took out Best Organic Blog
May Dream Gardens who took out Best Blog Writing
and My Little Vegetable Garden who took out Best Vegetable Garden.
I also loved some of the cool categories like Best Blog Name!
Congrats to all the finalists and winners and to everyone who blogged about gardens this year. And biggest thanks to Stuart at blotanical for hosting all this and to anyone and everyone who helped start this obsession by posting pictures of their tomato plants in full fruityness!
Happy New Year!
2 months ago
I've been reading a lot about blotanical lately but have never been. I think I am behind the times here! I'll have to check it out.
Congrats lovey!
The most important point remains, that we really connect across region, encourage and support each other. And we learn from one another within the framework provided by Stuart's Blotanical!..
Cheers, Have Fun
of my little vegetable garden.
Well done, Prue, I voted for ya, but I am also simultaneously glad that Helen at Patient Gardener won her segment, as I like her blog, too. And a couple of other favourites also got a gong in various categories, so the results all round were pleasing.
And you're right about Stuart at Blotanical. He's achieved a lot in a short time and deserves a big vote of thanks from all the bloggers.
Came in to say thank you for the congrats - and the rooting. Here's hoping that Blotanical continues to sprout blogs and that they all continue to bloom :)
Hi, Prue;
Congrats! Well deserved!
I enjoy reading about your balcony garden - it's fun to live vicariously through you since our seasons are so very different. :))
Thanks for the kind words everyone! And Dan yes you should check out Blotanical, you'd probably recognise half the people there!
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