Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sensible Snow Peas

The other night I had two lovelies over for dinner and not only did they get to sample the broccoli side sprouts (ok so just broccoli with teeny tiny heads) they got to try the snow peas. I put them raw, crunchy and crispy into a side salad and the two diners thought the snow peas were sweetly pleasing. The problem with most of my snow peas is they grew up and up and up but alas the trellises could not grow with them. For an idea of my trellising ineptitude check this post out.) The early attempts turned into jumbled messes like this.

The newer plantings are far more sensible. The one pictured below is growing more slowly and the stems are less leggy, meaning the leaves are more densely packed together. They look set to put out flowers soon which will be at a far more sensible height.

This next snow pea, put in the ground a few weeks before the first sensible snow pea has already flowered at a much more acceptable height. Far more sensible there, Mr snowpea, bravo!

Luckily no frosts have come to claim the flowers and I look forward to a new harvest very soon. All the other snowpeas, even the ones that have left their trellises for dead, are flowering. Here are some views of them, or at least a vision of what their view is like.

Wonder what these new plantings will choose to do!?! (the snow peas can be seen just peaking through the soil behind the lettuce.)

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