Aphids are back, let loose on my garden. I was not impressed upon discovering this. I asked them nicely to go chew someone else's garden. They ignored me. Rain didn't wash them away. They continued to multiply on my lovely purple sprouting broccoli, to congregate on my snow peas and nestle in my snapdragons. Enough was enough, I sprayed. I used to make homemade organic sprays from chillis and garlic and the like. They never worked. This time I went for Pyrethrum, the big guns, but made sure no bees were buzzing in the balcony garden at the time. Seems to have worked, for now. I also bought a few more of these, to keep them away. Fingers crossed.
Happy New Year!
3 weeks ago
Aphids or not your marigolds are looking great! I use Pyrethrum at times, it works really well.
Have you ever tried picking up some ladybugs (or do you guys call them ladybirds?) at the garden center? I find they work pretty well for me, and then I don't have to spray chemicals on my edibles.
I always sing to the aphids, and am sing so horribly that they scram. At least the horrible singing part is true...
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