Thursday, May 21, 2009


The Uni has gone on strike today. We are trying to fight for more job security (us casuals have none) better pay (or in my case pay for the number of hours I work, or at least half the number of hours I work, University tutors are basically slave labourers). It is sad how little education and the educators are valued in this country.

On a relate note, there is one plant in my garden who appears to also be on strike, the African Marigold. I thought I was paying him enough attention and I don't think I ask too much of him. All he has to do is look pretty and keep the aphids away yet he seems to be performing neither task! He will not allow new buds to open and seems to be friendly with the aphids! Unlike the University, I pay him handsomely. He gets water, sunlight, other marigoldy friends to play with, a neighbouring lettuce pot for good measure and more. I guess I'll just have to try and listen to him and find out what his issues are - the same thing the Uni could do for its staff!

*sorry gardening afficionados for the rather political rant, but when you work many many many hours unpaid overtime, with virtually no hope of a career at the end, it does start to take its toll. Tomorrow I promise a post about something a little more usual - radishes!


Fern @ Life on the Balcony said...

Sorry about the circumstances that necessitated the strike Prue!

vuejardin said...

Sorry to hear that, most universities in the states has budget cut too, it is the world economy impact.
You yellow flower is so gorgeous. Gardening is a priceless experience; a long-time gardener told me it is good for our soul.

Anonymous said...

I hope all things will be harmoniously resolved in the near future.

Lisa said...

The internet says that ants and aphids are in cahoots - and if you and me and my mum are having aphid problems, I think that they're related to Melbourne's current ant problem.

Ladybugs are supposedly the answer. I say lots of poison.