It is the middle of May in the garden and despite some cooler weather there are some lovely blooms to share, but there is really only one that a truly care about. It is not the multiheaded Sunflower, although he is still blooming brightly.
Even though I cut off one of his heads and brought it inside.
Nor it is this Marigold which is keeping watch against the aphids (unsuccessfully.)
Or this Marigold which is equally as inept at his job.
The Geranium is awfully pretty but it is still not him.
Not is it any of the Snapdragons, yellow or otherwise.
Nor it is this pink thing.
Nor it is even the lovely Strawberries that seem to flower no matter what conditions I put them through.
The most amazing, valuable, anticipated flower in my garden is yet to open. But here he is in all his buddy glory - the first, seed grown, snow pea flower!!!
Happy New Year!
3 weeks ago
So cool that you are growing peas on your balcony. I am growing snap peas in a pot this year. Looks like they take well to containers by the look of yours. Nice Blooms!
Your plants are teasing you well! Love the sunflower! Of course all of them are bright and refreshing!
Prue (Prudence?)
It's almost open..
If you check out my blog, the May 10th photo shows the Mortgage lifter tomato in the background. Check it out, ehh? and let me know what you think!
The pink thing is a dianthus, or "pink." You probably knew that. Sorry about the aphids, hope they go away! Any ladybugs about to munch on them? Snow peas on a balcony, that is a great idea. Happy Bloom Day!
So fun to see what's going on in Australia. And you are so NOT inept. Wonderful creativity in a small space!
My sweet peas have yet to bloom! EEK. Happy bloom day!
I second the ladybugs. Or, ladybirds. Whatever you folks call them. ;-) They've been much more successful for me than marigolds.
Your strawberries flower pink! Mine are white...
What kind of geranium do you have? I want a lemon-scented one, as I smelt their foliage at work recently and it was delicious.
Dan - yep snow peas seem to grow well here, even with my neglect and poor trellising! Hope your sugar snap peas taste a treat, Mum planted some in her garden and all but one died!!!
Chandramouli - They totally are teasing me! Thanks for the kind words.
Suburban Gardener - yep it is Prudence, but only when i'm in trouble, and Prudence Jane when I am in heaps of trouble! I looked for the tomato post on your blog, not sure I found the right one but looks very cool!
Karen, cool a dianthus, sounds right, thanks for the tip! Alas in the inner city Ladybugs are kind of scarce, but sometimes I find one or two out there.
Linda - hehe you should see the snow pea trellises and then you'll know my ineptness (or laziness probably) but thanks for the kind words
Katie - hope they will bloom soon, maybe if you ask them nicely ...
Fern - totally agree, and we call them ladybugs I think, hmm i call them both really!?!?! I just wish more would come visit. I suppose I could buy some ...
Lisa - yep they are Lowanna strawberries and flower pink and some of them are neon pink. Want me to being you a runner? (if i can work out which bit a runner is!!!)
Let's swap runners! I think that mine has decided not to die now...I can't say that much for the sage cuttings...
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