It may still be cold and gloomy and wet but there are some sunny things going on in the garden. Finally another colour in the garden besides purple - we have yellow primroses. What I can't work out is why there are two yellow ones in the same plant (then again it is highly likely there might be two plants in one pot.)
Another yellow one hiding amongst the lettuce and purple primrose.
For a bit of pinky, orangey yellow the snapdragons are just stunning.
And for another hint of colour, the nectarine blossoms are coming.
It is always good to look on the sunnier side of life :)
Happy New Year!
1 month ago
Yes, it looks like there are two plants in that primrose - sometimes two seedlings end up in one pot, which makes for some odd combinations. It's not really supposed to happen, but I like to sell them as "two for the price of one".
I'll have to look into these plants for our cool season... btw I checked out your blogger profile and you have good taste in music, especially Regina Spektor!
It is alright for two shade of yellow in the same pot. yellow and red would definitely look very awkward. Beautiful flowers!
Must be pretty much spring time with those primrose. They are my favorite in the spring time. So what is cold, 26c? :-)
Ivynettle - I agree, it is probably two plants, but it is fun to pretend.
Rainforest Gardener - hehe Regina is great to Garden to. Primroses are definitely good for Australian cool weather, which never dips below 0 where I live, not sure about other climates.
Bangchik - hehe yellow and red would be a problem, though it happened to my cousin once, and hers was definitely on the same plant!
Dan - hehe I suvived an English Winter and that was cold enough for me. Highs in Winter here in Melbourne tend to be around 10-13 and lows get down to 3. Today it is trying to get to 17, which means I will plant tomatoes, mostly because the climate on the balcony is warmer. Don't think I could ever survive a Canadian Winter!
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