Today we harvested ...
IF ONLY! That deliciousness isn't quite ready yet. I doubt I'll see any of the tomatoes ripen before I head off for my
Teach for Australia 6 week Intensive, but a girl can only dream. We have cherry ones too:
But we have been easting other yummy things, like some small bits of celery and a tonne of lettuce. Microgreens in every salad and garlic in the cooked things (I'm allergic to raw garlic.)
There should be some amazing havest monday posts in my future because we have 28 tomatoes, 3 golden zucchini, 3 white cucumbers, 2 laden apple trees, a white eggplant, a black capsicum and many, many pots of celery, lettuce, herbs and more. Not bad for a little balcony garden.
Thanks to my lovely other half for the great photos.
If you want to see other people's Monday harvests head on over the Daphne's Dandelions.
Happy New Year!
2 months ago
I lost ALL my tomatoes last week due to caterpillars and blossom end rot. So sad.
I hope those don't ripen without you there. I suppose even if they do, the next batch will be long for you to eat.
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