I mentioned in a previous post that I've taken up sewing. Aided by the awesome sewing machine my parents furnished me with over Christmas, I began teaching myself. I'm not very good and it is currently just a bit of fun. A bag here, and apron there, and even a bit of quilting. Presents for everyone! You can see the first few items over on my other blog, A Teetotal 2012. I am a bit hopeless at sewing things in a straight line, the quilting, in particular, is a dog's breakfast. But I am getting better and most importantly I am having fun. Don't worry, the balcony garden isn't ignored, it just gets to share its time with the sewing (and cooking, and working, and occasional blogging.)
But if you want to see some lovely baby quilts, done by a friend who started off by making one for her own daughter and enjoyed it so much she went into business, then head over to Tiny Tots Quilts. I love her stuff, it is simply beautiful and fun and full of skillyfully pieced amazing fabrics. If you are on facebook then head over via the link to check out her stuff. Here is a glimpse of some of the quilt patterns on offer:
You can view the quilts without being on facebook, but if you want to see more, or order one for a tiny tot in your life then you would have to get on facebook.
Happy New Year!
2 months ago