Bit of a smaller harvest this week, with only a few staples left in the sun scorched garden. Beautiful berries of the strawberry kind went into my breakfast this morning. There were both wild versions of this little red wonder and some Hokowase strawberries. Usually I just snack on them as I garden but this time there were enough to go in my breakfast fruit salad.
Silverbeet is continual, even though I cut it to the ground just a month ago! It goes in many dishes and adds extra nutrients.
Eggplants, well I showed you them the other day and here they are harvested. These went into a wonderful little pasta dish.
Speaking of pasta, the last of the pumpkins I harvested a while ago was used up in a delicious pesto pasta dish.
And that is pretty much it for the moment. If you want to see other harvests pop on over to Daphne's Dandelions. I looks forward to harvesting chillies this week and int he future some figs and some more eggplants. The corn, the new corn that is, is a fair way off but I will post about that little experiment soon.
And on slightly different matters, if you can solve my friend's mutant tomato dilemma I posted about yesterday please, please, please add your advice. :)
Happy New Year!
2 months ago